Sunday, March 16, 2008

Audible Blog

Technology is so amazing. I really believe that almost anything that you can think of exists and a lot of it is FREE! One such tool is Odiogo. It allows you to voice enable your blog with just a few clicks. This is an easy way to make your blog more accessible to those who have visual or cognitive impairments. Just go to the Odiogo website and follow the instructions there. Once you receive the activation e-mail, follow the directions near the bottom to have the audio feeds added to your blog. Readers could also download podcasts of the audio. It's so easy that it's almost unbelievable. The only thing that I'm not certain of is how it updates future posts. But I guess I'll find out once I'm done with posting.

1 comment:

Rose Jenkins said...

It was less than five minutes until the audio was posted. The button was posted right away but gave a message that the audio was unavailable yet. Soon after that, when I clicked on it again, the audio was available.